We need your help with our art show - Business Owner?? · Donate merchandise, gift cards, coupons, etc. for silent auction and door prizes. Remember this is a great way to advertise your business as well as help a worthy cause. · Advertise April 22, 2010 as “Shelayne Phillips Day” at CMS and help promote the “Warrior” Art Show on your business’ outdoor signs. Radio?? Television?? · Squeeze in an announcement between songs or give us a blurb on your morning news show. Come see us! Any other ideas- let us know!! Paper/Newsletter?? · Give us a write up. We would love to provide pictures and information to help you help us! Just want to help?? · Put us on you social networking site! Advertise, Advertise, Advertise! Facebook, Twitter, and blogs are a great way to get the word out! · Come to the show! Buy a cupcake. Participate in the silent auction. Take in all the fabulous artwork. EVERYONE- Pray Pray Pray… The power of prayer is unmatched and Shelayne will continue to need our prayers as she recovers and moves past this challenge in her life.My name is Heather Middleton, and I am a teacher at Chesnee Middle School. Over the Christmas holidays, my co-worker, Shelayne Phillips, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has undergone 3 procedures and is well on her way to beating this disease. That is why we call her our “warrior.” On April 22, 2010, we will be holding a “Warrior” Art Show here at Chesnee Middle School. We are dedicating the entire show to Shelayne and the charity she chose, Relay for Life. The show will boast displays of student artwork, a silent auction, door prizes, and a “Pink” bake sale. We will also have live entertainment, a representative from Relay for Life, and an abundance of information about cancer and its prevention provided by our school nurse. This is a free event, although donations are welcome. All proceeds will benefit Relay for Life. The gifted art class along with CMS custodian, Donna Lawter, has already been working hard to raise money for this charity. They have sold over 250 birdhouses raising over $1,000! Our goal by the end of the “Warrior” Art Show is to present Relay for Life with at least $2,000 and make a difference in the lives of others.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Warrior Art Show
Posted by Heather Alexis at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Hobo Chalk baby
Last night it cooled off a bit and I wanted to do something new and fun with Pants. So we decided to do some sidewalk chalk while Daddy washed his truck.It got dark on us quick!!

Posted by Heather Alexis at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Summer has Sprung?? hmmm....
Thats what it feels like...With temps pushing past 90...I think SC ditched Spring all together and barreled right for Summer...I'm OK with that- it gives me a chance to play with baby girl outside more...and I love being outside.
Posted by Heather Alexis at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
Been awhile, eh?
Well I decided I was really going to try VERY VERY extra hard to keep up with my blog again... I logged on not realizing how long it had actually been since I posted...Did Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines day, St. Patrick's day, ANSLIE'S FIRST BIRTHDAY, and Spring break really already all pass?? and even the monotonous things like PASS testing and an oil change or two? Wow... I NEED to do better... So I'm going to attempt it... My goal is at least once a week. I'm finished with my Grad class so hopefully I can steal away a moment or two during the week to update!

Posted by Heather Alexis at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Fashion Forward Baby!
Today was Sunday- That meant church and a wedding shower... What better excuse to pull out a cute-sy fall outfit. Today Pants sported a custom turkey dress, pumkin tights, fuzzy brown boots, and -of course- an M2M bow....
Posted by Heather Alexis at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
Bows, Bows, Bows, Bows- Bows we do adore...
Its no secret that Pants is a bowhead... The walls in her room are covered with dangling ribbons adorned with bows. She had a collection pushing 50 + before she was born, and I'm pretty sure we exceeded 100 within the first 3-4 weeks of her life. I'm not sure what the count is now- I'm too embarrased to look. All I know is the kid can rock a bow-
Posted by Heather Alexis at 5:40 PM 0 comments
Yesterday Pants stayed with her friend Chloe since my Super Sitter was out of town and my mama had to work. According to Chlo’s mom the day went well. Pant’s and Chloe are only a couple months apart, so I’m hoping that they will become the best of friends. However right now they mostly just roll past one another while drooling on yet another toy. Several weeks ago Chlo’s mom made Chloe and Pants matching Eagle outfits. They both wore them to the homecoming game, but our attempts to get a decent picture of the girls together were fruitless. One looks up the other looks down, one smiles the other get distracted, etc. We also bought the girls semi-matching Thanksgiving dresses and I brought Pant’s with her yesterday in hopes that sometime during an 8 hour period the girls could have their picture made together, this time hopefully a little more successfully. BUT that didn’t work out either… Apparently one slept while the other played and vice versa… Oh how babies never agree with their parents plans!! This also gets me to thinking about Christmas pictures and how card orders will need to be placed within 3 weeks!! Yikes. Will I actually get some good pictures of Pants by then? I better get started… TODAY…
My thoughts and prayers today are with all the victims and families of the Fort Hood tragedy … Also for two of my friends who have requested special prayers. Also for Super Sitter and her family as they take a family vacay…
Posted by Heather Alexis at 6:00 AM 0 comments